List of Service Centers

BIRAD - Research and Development Co. Ltd


The Scientific Equipment Center of the Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University maintains a wide range of state-of-the-art scientific instruments and provides services for researchers in diverse fields, such as life sciences, biotechnology, bioengineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, food engineering, material engineering, physics, and more. The Center serves Bar Ilan researchers as well as customers from other academic institutions and from the local industry.

The center consists of five units that are equipped with advanced and sophisticated equipment and staffed by experts in their corresponding fields, who work closely with customers to help them achieve their goals in the shortest possible time.

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הפקולטה למדעי החיים באוניברסיטת בר אילן מפעילה שני מרכזי שרות העונים לדרישות מענק התמיכה.

1. Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center
מנהל היחידה ד"ר איתי לזר
טלפון: 972-3-5318202, דוא"ל : [email protected]

2. Center of Pre-Clinical Studies
מנהל היחידה ד"ר שמעון טינמן
טלפון: 972-3-5318748, דוא"ל : [email protected]

להלן מפורטים השרותים הניתנים ע"י שני מרכזי השרות:

Equipment/ Service Field Technology Core Facility Contact details
Leica-SPE single ch confocal Light Microscopy Confocal Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Leica Stereoscope Ligh Microscopy Stereomicroscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Olympus-FV1000 Light Microscopy Confocal Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Leica SP8 confocal w/ live Light Microscopy Confocal Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Zeiss AxioimagerZ1 Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Leica STED superresolution Light Microscopy Confocal Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Leica TIRF with infinity scanner Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Zeiss ObserverZ1 live imaging Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Olympus CellSens live imaging Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Leica Laser Microdissection LMD7 Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Consulting Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Consulting and analysis Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr Avi Jacob, [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-5802544

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

Gallios Flow Cytometry FACS Analyzer Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Hauschner Hagit [email protected]

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

ARIA Flow Cytometry FACS Sorter Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Hauschner Hagit [email protected]

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

ImageStream Flow Cytometry Imaging FACS Analyzer Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Hauschner Hagit [email protected]

Dr. Irit Shoval [email protected]
03-5317647, 052-3586643

HPLC-HITACHI Chromatography Chromatography Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Alexander Varvak [email protected]
03-5318841, 054-7296834
Maestro II In Vivo Imaging In-Vivo Imaging System Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr .Yehuda Ronen [email protected]
03-5318215, 054-4255625
X-RAD320 In Vivo Imaging In-Vivo Imaging System Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr .Yehuda Ronen [email protected]

03-5318215, 054-4255625

Cryostat Leica CM1950 Histology Services Histology unit Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr .Yehuda Ronen [email protected]
03-5318215, 054-4255625
Embedding machine Histology Services Histology unit Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr .Yehuda Ronen [email protected]
03-5318215, 054-4255625
Microtome Histology Services Histology unit Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr .Yehuda Ronen [email protected]
03-5318215, 054-4255625
Typhoon9500 Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Alexander Varvak  [email protected]
03-5318841, 054-7296834
MST Biosensors Biosensors Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Alexander Varvak  [email protected]
03-5318841, 054-7296834
Biacore Biosensors Biosensors Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Alexander Varvak  [email protected]
03-5318841, 054-7296834
MiSeq run (Nano/Micro) Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

MiSeq V2/V3 Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

NextSeq 500 75bp Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

NextSeq 500 150>bp Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

Consulting Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

NEB RNA library prep Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

NEB DNA library prep Genomics NGS Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

TapeStation 4200 high sensitive RNA Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

TapeStation 4200 high sensitive DNA D-1000 Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

TapeStation 4200 D-1000 Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

TapeStation 4200 RNA Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

TapeStation 4200 D-5000 Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

CFX-96 Genomics Real Time PCR Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

QIAcube DNA Genomics Extraction and purification of DNA and RNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

QIAcube RNA Genomics Extraction and purification of DNA and RNA Kanbar Scientific Equipment Center

Dr. Orly Yaron [email protected]
03-5317119, 050-3599905

Dr. Sarit Lampert [email protected]
03-5317119, 054-7543327

Mice Facility Animal Facility Mice Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Rabbit Room Animal Facility Rabbit Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Pre-Clinical  Services/ procedures Animal Facility Surgical and minor procedures, blood collection, Necropsy examination,  Pathology. Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Abaxis VS2 Chemistry analyzer Animal Facility Blood Biochemistry Analyzer Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Exigo H400 Hematology Analyzer Animal Facility Animal Hematology (CBC) Analyzer Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Veterinary Consulting Animal Facility In vivo Experimental Design Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Simon Tinman [email protected]
03-5318748, 054-6697798
Cryo Transmission Electron Microscope CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
Environmental Electron Microscope CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
Classical Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Prep CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
 Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Staining CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
High Pressure Freezing Transmission Electron Microscope Sample Prep CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
CRYO Sample Prep CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
CLEM Sample Prep CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
Ultra-microtome Sectioning CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441
CRYO Ultra-microtome Sectioning CPM unit Electron Microscopy CPM unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Ayelet Atkins [email protected]
03-5314257, 054-6700441


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Institutional Infrastructure Accessibility Program - Bar Ilan's Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials

The Nanotechnology institute at Bar Ilan University operates a service center that meets the support grant requirements:

Lea Schlezinger, Secretariat Tel: 972-3-5317067
Email: [email protected]

Since 2008, the Center has served researchers from academia and industry, providing access to the most advanced instrumentation, optimal laboratory conditions, and the best scientific expertise Israel has to offer.  We are proud to provide service to 150 companies that bring us today to the state that 60% of the equipment’s time utilities are devoted to academia and the rest to industry. About 10 percent of the Academy's time is for academia outside Bar-Ilan University.

The Nanotechnology Center works with a variety of price lists: Price list for industry, academics and researchers at Bar-Ilan University as well.

The following services are provided by the center for scientific instrumentation:

Services Existence of the service Contact details Consulting services
Analytical services HPLC Agilent 1100 HPLC system Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Asaf Grupi
[email protected]
Analytical services Elemental analysis Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
a cluster of techniques including: ERDA, NAR, PIXE, RBS and Ion channeling analysis
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Analytical services Elemental Analysis F,Cl,Br,I,S,P Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
a cluster of techniques including: ERDA, NAR, PIXE, RBS and Ion channeling analysis
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Analytical services Elemental Analysis Cl,Br,I,S Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
a cluster of techniques including: ERDA, NAR, PIXE, RBS and Ion channeling analysis
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Analytical services Elemental analysis CHN-O Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
a cluster of techniques including: ERDA, NAR, PIXE, RBS and Ion channeling analysis
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Analytical services XRD Rigaku SmartLab X-ray diffraction
system (XRD)
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Chemistry Surface chemistries for NPs Analytical FEG-TEM
JEM-2100F with EDS
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Physical Atomic Force Microscopy AFM MultiMode V, ICON and Bio FastScan AFM instruments (Bruker, AXS, Santa-Barbara, USA).  include a stage with full navigation and dimensions of the sample up to 8'' in diameter and 12mm in thickness Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Physical Atomic Force Microscopy SPM SPM Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Olga Girshevitz
[email protected]
Scanning Electron Microscopy SEM Environmental SEM - Quanta 250 FEI, with EDS and
Temperature controlled stage
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Scanning Electron Microscopy HRSEM Ultrahigh resolution
FEG-SEM FEI-Maggelan. Include conventional and in-lens SE, BSE and STEM detectors, EDS detector and layer probe.
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Morphology: Electron Microscopy Cryo-SEM
Morphology: Electron Microscopy cryo-TEM FEI Cryo-TEM Tecnai G2 (T12)
for samples at both ambient and cryo temperatures.
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Morphology: Electron Microscopy Environmental SEM Environmental SEM - Quanta 250 FEI, with EDS and
Temperature controlled stage
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Morphology: Electron Microscopy ATEM Analytical FEG-TEM
JEM-2100F with EDS
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Morphology: Electron Microscopy TEM Analytical FEG-TEM
JEM-1400 with EDS
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Morphology: Electron Microscopy  HIM NanoFab a triple beam (He, Ne and Ga) instrument combining scanning helium ion microscope (SHIM, HeIM or HIM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technologies as well as gas chemistries. Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Physical Electron Microscopy Cryo-SEM
Physical Electron Microscopy cryo-TEM FEI Cryo-TEM Tecnai G2 (T12)
for samples at both ambient and cryo temperatures.
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Physical Electron Microscopy Environmental SEM ESEM Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Physical Electron Microscopy Freeze fracture HPF, FS, CLEM Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Dr. Yafit Fleger
[email protected]
Physical Electron Microscopy TEM Analytical FEG-TEM
JEM-1400 with EDS
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Physical methods Zetasizer Malvern Zetasizer Dr. Asaf Grupi
[email protected]
Preclinical imaging microCT microCT imaging and analysis. Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Menachem Motiei
[email protected]
Fabrication ICP/RIE ICP/RIE – Reactive Ion etcher, Plasma-Therm, Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication coating- Evaporation & Sputtering VERSALINE Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication coating - PLD Neocera Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication coating - ALD ALD – Atomic Layer Deposition, Cambridge, Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication coating - IBS Fiji F200 Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication photolithography IBS – Ion Beam Sputtering Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication E-Beam Lithography e-Beam Lithography, CRESTEC, CABL-9500C Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication Lase lithography MASKLESS LASER WRITER – Heidelberg MLA 150 Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication packaging Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication wafer bonder Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication Profilers • Bruker Stylus profiler
• Lext Olympus optical profiler
Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]
Fabrication Ellipsometer Lea Schlezinger
[email protected]
Yossi Abulafia
[email protected]




Bar-Ilan University's advanced infrastructure for research in chemistry is available for use by industrial and academic partners, who design, execute and analyze their experiments with the help of the University's PhD-level technicians. Specialized instrumentation facilities include:

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Scientific Equipment Center at Bar-Ilan Department of Chemistry

Prof. David Zitoun
[email protected]

The Scientific Equipment Center is located in the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University. Our center's offers advanced, state-of-the-art instrumentation at the forefront of pharmaceutical and materials research and development in strong collaboration with the academic research groups.
We offer skilled and experienced staff of PhDs who provide professional technical support in experiments, operation of the equipment, processing and analysis of the results. We also offer training for independent, long-term work.

The six units of the center: nuclear magnetic resonance, electron spin resonance, spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction, mass-spectrometry and elemental analysis provide services to academic research groups, institutions and industries.

Field Technology Instrument Service contact
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility NMR 300 Bruker Avance II 1D and 2D NMR with the nucleus probes 1H, 13C Dr. Keren Keinan-Adamsky [email protected]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility NMR 400 Bruker Avance I 1D and 2D NMR with the nucleus probes 1H, 31P,15N, 19F Dr. Keren Keinan-Adamsky [email protected]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility NMR 600 Bruker DMX 1D and 2D NMR with the nucleus probes 1H, 13C, 15N, 31P Dr. Keren Keinan-Adamsky [email protected]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility NMR 700 Bruker Avance III 1D and 2D NMR with the CryoProbe- 1H, 13C, 15N (indirectly) Dr. Keren Keinan-Adamsky [email protected]
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility NMR 500 Solid state Bruker Avance III solid-state CPMAS and multinuclear NMR studies Dr. Keren Keinan-Adamsky [email protected]
Electron Spin Resonance Continuous wave X-band EPR spectrometer Bruker EMX EPR 100d X-band This spectrometer is a continuous wave (CW) spectrometer, operating at 9.5 GHz. It can operate between 150 K to 400 K and is used for spin trap EPR, metal complexes and radicals, metal alloys Dr. Ronit Lavi [email protected]
Prof. Sharon Ruthstein
[email protected]
Electron Spin Resonance Continuous wave X-band and Q-Band EPR spectrometer Bruker Elexsys 500 The Elexsys EPR is a continuous wave (CW) spectrometer from 4 K to 400 K, from instant to overnight measurements in the X band ( 9.5 GHz,  30 mm with center of magnetic field at around 3300 G ) and Q band (32 GHz,  8.5 mm with center of magnetic field at around 12000 G ). Dr. Ronit Lavi [email protected]
Prof. Sharon Ruthstein
[email protected]
Electron Spin Resonance Pulsed EPR Elexsys E580 The spectrometer is operating at temperatures 4-300K and has also ELDOR channel for nanometer distance measurements. Typical pulsed EPR experiments include ESEEM, HYSCORE, DEER, DQC, and relaxation measurements. Dr. Ronit Lavi [email protected]
Prof. Sharon Ruthstein
[email protected]
Spectroscopy unit X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Thermo Scientific Nexsa Depth profiling
Multi-technique integration
Dual-mode ion source for expanded depth profiling capabilities
Avantage Software for instrument control, data processing, and reporting
Inert atmosphere antechamber
Dr. Yosef Gofer [email protected] 03-5318954
Dr. Michal Ejgenberg
03-5318749, [email protected]
Spectroscopy unit Circular Dichroism Chirascan CD spectrometer (Applied Photophysics) Differential absorbance of left and right circularly polarized light by a chromophore. Circular dichroism spectroscopy is a useful technique for analyzing chiral molecules, peptide and protein secondary structure and folding properties in solution. Dr. Yulia Shenberg
X-Ray Diffraction and gas adsorption X-Ray Diffraction  Bruker D8 advanced Powder X-Ray diffraction
Measurements under inert atmosphere
In-situ electrochemical measurements
Bruria Schmerling
[email protected]
03-5317920, 054-7649311
X-Ray Diffraction and gas adsorption Specific surface measurements NOVA 3200E Quantachrome Determination of the surface area of the substrate by physical adsorption of the gas (usually nitrogen) ased on the Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (B.E.T.) theory Prof. Nina Perkas
[email protected]
Mass Spectrometry (MS) TD-GC-MS UNITY –xr (MARKES), 7890B (GC), 5977B MSD Identification and quantitation of volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOC and SVOC) Dr Reut Cohen
Mass Spectrometry (MS) UHPLC-MS-Q-TOF (ESI, APCI, ASAP) Agilent UHPLC 1290
MSD 6545
Applications of  drug development, toxicology, small organic compounds, organometallics analysis and the analysis of peptides intact proteins Dr. Yulia Shenberg
Mass Spectrometry (MS) HPLC-MS (multi-mode ionization, ESI-APCI) Agilent HPLC 1260
MSD-SQ 6120
Analisys of peptides and  small organic compounds Dr. Yulia Shenberg
Mass Spectrometry (MS) MALDI Bruker Autoflex III Analysis of polymerspeptidesproteinslipids, oligonucleotides, DNA, and glycans Dr Reut Cohen
Mass Spectrometry (MS) TGA-GC-MS Perkin Elmer  Clarus 680/Clarus SQ 8C Identification and quantitation of volatile and semi-volatile compounds (VOC and SVOC) Dr Reut Cohen
Elemental Analysis ICP-AES SPECTRO ARCOS ICP-OES Multi view FHX22 Detection of different elements (above 70 elements), including halogens (Cl, Br & I) using the ICP technique Dr. Merav Tsubery
Elemental Analysis CHNSO Elementar UNICUBE detection of the elements C,H,N,S and O Dr. Merav Tsubery

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תוכנית להנגשת תשתיות על מוסדיות - הפקולטה לרפואה, אוניברסיטת בר אילן

Breakthroughs and innovations in the fields of biology and medicine go hand-in-hand with new technologies that enable accurate measurements, faster and deeper analysis and synthesis as tools for innovative research. At the Scientific Equipment Center, we provide access to cutting-edge technologies and novel approaches. These generate the fundamental environment that supports a wide range of disciplines and promote scientific excellence. We invite you to use our state-of-the-art facilities, high-end equipment and our staff expertise. Our highly-trained staff scientists will guide you through the entire experimental process, from sample preparation and instrument control all the way through to data acquisition and analysis. The Genome Technology Center offers a broad range of services for high-throughput sequencing experiments, including experimental design, library preparation, sequencing, bioinformatics and data analysis. The Center for Pre-Clinical studies support extensive and comprehensive research services in specialized and controlled environments.

The infrastructure of our centers allows for a wide range of experimental procedures and services in various fields including genomics and NGS, pre-clinical studies and animal housing services (SPF, biohazard and Germ Free facilities for mice, and specialized rooms for rat, frogs and fish), light microscopy, Scanning electron microscopy, histology, flow cytometry and cell sorting, spectral measurements, chromatography and Mass spectrometry, In-Vivo Imaging (including PET-CT, micro-CT and far red small animal imaging), molecular biology, and proteomics. We also have instruments that measure protein-protein interaction, Kinase activity, a cell irradiation system, and a Bio-Plex system.

הפקולטה לרפואה באוניברסיטת בר אילן מפעילה שלושה מרכזי שרות העונים לדרישות מענק התמיכה.

  1. Scientific Equipment Center
    מנהלת היחידה ד"ר אלה מעוז
    טלפון: 972-72-2644936, דוא"ל : [email protected]
  2. Genome Technology Center
    מנהלת היחידה ד"ר שירה פרץ
    טלפון: 972-72-2644903, דוא"ל :[email protected]
  3. Center for Pre-Clinical Studies
    מנהל היחידה ד"ר רואי להב
    טלפון: 972-72-2644966, דוא"ל: [email protected]

להלן מפורטים השרותים הניתנים ע"י שלושת מרכזי השרות:

Equipment/ Service Field Technology Core Facility Contact details
Zeiss LSM780 Light Microscopy Inverted Confocal Microscope with multiphoton Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Zeiss Inverted Cell Observer Light Microscopy live imaging Fluorescence Microscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Zeiss Axio-Imager M2 with apotome Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Light microscopes DMD108 Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Zeiss Axio Scan Z1 slide scanner Light Microscopy slide scanner Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Essen Bioscience IncuCyte System Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Zeiss inverted AXIO VERT A1 FL-LED Light Microscopy Fluorescence Microscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Leica LMD7 Laser Microdissection System Light Microscopy LMD Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
STED SR Light Microscopy SR STED Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Stereomicroscope Light Microscopy Stereomicroscope Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Hyugens Light Microscopy Image analysis Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Imaris Light Microscopy Image analysis Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Gallios Flow Cytometry FACS Analyzer Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
MoFlo Astrios Flow Cytometry FACS Sorter Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
BD FACSAria III Flow Cytometry FACS Sorter Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
NucleoCounter NC-3000 FlexiCyte Flow Cytometry Image Cytometer Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
FlowJo Flow Cytometry analysis Software Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
ModFit Flow Cytometry analysis Software Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
HPLC Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC System Chromatography HPLC Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
AKTA FPLC Chromatography FPLC Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Clarus 680-SQ8T-GC/MS/FID Chromatography GCMS Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
MALDI-TOF Chromatography MS Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Pearl Impulse-small imaging system In Vivo Imaging In-Vivo Imaging System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
BrukerCT 1172 Micro-CT System use In Vivo Imaging In-Vivo Imaging System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Triumph LabPET®/CT use In Vivo Imaging In-Vivo Imaging System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
BrukerCT 1172 Micro-CT System analysis In Vivo Imaging analysis software Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Triumph LabPET®/CT analysis In Vivo Imaging analysis software Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Leica Biosystems Microtome Histology Services Histology unit Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Sliding Microtome Histology Services Histology unit Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Research Cryostat Leica Histology Services Histology unit Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Paraffin Embedding station Histology Services Histology unit Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
ImageQuant LAS4000 Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Li-Cor Odyssey CLx Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Typhoon FLA 7000 Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Alliance Q9 mini Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
InGenius3 manual gel documentation sys Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Ebox CX-TS Gel Documentation Gel Documentation System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Octet Red 96E system Biosensors Biosensors Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
MST Affinity measurement Micro Scale Thermophoresis - MST Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
NanoDrop 2000C Spectrometers Spectral Measurement Instruments Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
NanoDrop 8000 Spectrometers Spectral Measurement Instruments Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Plate reader Tecan infinite M1000 Pro Spectrometers Spectral Measurement Instruments Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Illumina MiSeq system Genomics NGS Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Illumina NextSeq system Genomics NGS Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
DNA/RNA library prep services Genomics NGS Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Bravo NextGen library preparation robot Genomics Bravo NextGen library preparation robot Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Fluidigm fluorometer- Genomics Access array system for targeted sequencing Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Covaris ultra sonicator Genomics Covaris ultra sonicator Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
TapeStation Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Bioanalyzer Genomics Quality Control of RNA and DNA Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Qubit 2.0 fluorometer + Quant-iT Genomics Fluorimeter for DNA/RNA quantification Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
C1 single cell Auto Prep Genomics C1 single cell Auto Prep Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
nCounter SPIRIT nanostring Genomics Direct quantification of up to 800 genes RNA/ DNA/protein Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
Bioinformatics Service Genomics Bioinformatics Service Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
SpeedVac Vacuum Concentrator Genomics Vacuum Concentrator Genome Technology Center Dr. Shira Perez  [email protected]
CellRad X-Ray Irradiation System X-Ray cell irradiation system Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
MERLIN- SEM SEM SEM Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
CryoUltra microtome SEM SEM Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Sample preparation for SEM SEM services SEM services Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Tecan Freedom EVO Liquid Handling System (Robot) Liquid handling system Liquid handling system Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
RT-PCR StepOnePlus with HRM molecular biology Real Time PCR Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
RT-PCR – ViiA7 molecular biology Real Time PCR Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Optima XE UltraCentrifuge 90K-LUO molecular biology ultra-centrifuge Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Bio-Plex MAGPIX system molecular biology bio plex/ multi plex Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Pamstation 12 molecular biology kinase activity microarrays Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Syro I Parallel Peptide Synthesis System molecular biology Peptide Synthesis System Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Bioruptor Plus molecular biology sonicator Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
 Avestin Emulsiflex molecular biology High-Pressure Homogenizer Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Lyophilizer - FreeZone benchtop freeze dry system molecular biology Lyophilizer Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
BIO-LINK UV crosslinker molecular biology uv crosslinker Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
CellSpin centrifuge molecular biology CellSpin centrifuge Scientific Equipment Center Dr. Eyla Maoz [email protected]
Mice Facility SPF Animal Facility Mice Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Mice Facility conventional Animal Facility Mice Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Mice Facility Pathogenic Animal Facility Mice Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Mice Facility Germ Free Animal Facility Mice Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Rat Facility Animal Facility Rat Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Fish Facility Animal Facility Fish Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Frog Facility Animal Facility Frog Host Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Pre-Clinical Services/ procedures Animal Facility Surgical and minor procedures, blood collection, Necropsy examination, Pathology Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Veterinary Consulting Animal Facility In vivo Experimental Design Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
Tri-Carb 2810 TR Liquid Scintilation Analyzer Radioactivity Scintillation Counter Liquid Scintilation Analyzer Pre-Clinical Research Center Dr. Roey Lahav [email protected]
אנשי קשר במרכזי השירות בפקולטה        
Dr. Eyla Maoz 972-72-2644936  
Dr. Michael Assa 972-72-2644808  
Dr. Yehuda Gubbay 972-72-2644988  
Dr. Boris Fichtman 972-72-2644924  
Yuval Zalthberg 972-72-2644988  
Dan Hinenzon 972-72-2644875  
Dr. Shira Perez 972-72-2644903  
Marinz Kurtz 972-72-2644919  
Dr. Roey Lahav 972-72-2644966  
Brain Research Center (Life Science)

The Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center

Electromagnetic Brain Imaging Unit - Magnetoencephalography (MEG) system

The electromagnetic brain imaging unit at BIU is equipped with a magnetoencephalography (MEG) system, the only one in ISRAEL. MEG is a functional neuroimaging technique for mapping brain activity. It works by measuring, using very sensitive sensors, the magnetic fields produced by the naturally occurring electrical activity of the brain. Applications of MEG include basic research into perceptual and cognitive brain processes, functional brain mapping and localizing regions affected by pathology before surgical removal.

The unit contains a state-of-the-art 248-sensor magnetometer whole-head array and all required equipment for experimental stimulation as well as simultaneous recording of EEG and eye-movements. Facilities include testing rooms as well as hardware and software necessary for conducting experiments and analyzing data.

Stimulation: Video projector; air conductance headphones; vibrotactile stimulation

Participant monitoring and recording: intercom, video, 10-finger response boxes, eye-tracking, microphone

Simultaneous 64-channel EEG, auxiliary channels for other data

Advantages of MEG: Direct measure of brain function, very high temporal resolution (sub-millisecond), good spatial resolution, completely non-invasive and passive recording, quiet environment suitable for children or infants.


Electromagnetic Brain Imaging Unit
Gonda Brain Research Center (#901)
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan, 52900

Phone: +972-3-5317486 Fax: +972-3-5349353
email: [email protected]

Unit Head: Prof. Avi Goldstein
[email protected]

MEG Operator: Barak Atia
[email protected]

 היחידה לדימות מוח אלקטרומגנטי:

מצוידת במכשיר מגנטו-אנצפלוגרף (MEG) היחיד בארץ. MEG היא שיטת דימות תפקודי לא-חודרנית למיפוי פעילות מוחית. השיטה מבוססת על מדידה, באמצעות חיישנים רגישים מאוד, של שדות מגנטיים המיוצרים על ידי הפעילות החשמלית הטבעית של המוח. יישומים של MEG כוללים מחקר בסיסי של תהליכים מוחיים תפיסתיים וקוגניטיביים, מיפוי מוח פונקציונלי ואיתור אזורים פתולוגיים (מוקדים אפילפטיים) לפני הסרה כירורגית.

יתרונות ה-MEG: מדידה ישירה של פעילות מוחית, רזולוציה זמנית של פחות מאלפית שנייה, רזולוציה מרחבית גבוהה, רישום פאסיבי ובטוח לגמרי, לא חודרני, ושקט במיוחד.

המערכת כוללת מכשיר בעל 248 מגנטומטרים וכל הציוד הנוסף הנדרש לגרייה וניטור בניסוי, יחד עם רישום סימולטני של EEG ותנועות עיניים.

ביחידה ישנם גם חדרי בדיקה, כמו גם חומרה ותוכנה הדרושים לביצוע ניסויים וניתוח נתונים.

גרייה: מקרן וידאו; אוזניות הולכת אוויר; גירוי ויברו-טקטילי, מעקב וניטור נבדקים: אינטרקום, וידאו, תיבות תגובה באורך 10 אצבעות, מעקב תנועות עיניים, מיקרופון רישום במקביל של 64 ערוצי EEG, וערוצי עזר עבור נתונים אחרים.

השרות הניתן: זמן רישום MEG (כולל גרייה בניסוי)

 למידע נוסף ותאום שירות יש לפנות לאנשי הקשר הרשומים מטה.

 אנשי קשר:

ראש היחידה: פרופ׳ אבי גולדשטיין
[email protected]

אחראי MEG: ברק עטיה
[email protected]

Dynamic Fluorescence Laboratory

יישומי מדידות פלואורסנציה ופוספורסנציה במעבדה לפלואורסנציה דינמית

מנהל: ד"ר דן עמיר

מדידות פלואורסנציה מאפשרות רגישות דטקציה מרבית, עד כדי דטקציה של מולקולה בודדת. לכן רבים יישומיה בתחום האנאליזה והמחקר.

כל פוטון שנפלט על ידי מולקולה נושא מידע הכולל: אורך גל פליטה, אורך גל ערור, זמן חיים של המצב המעורר, קיטוב, כוון במערכת צירי המעבדה ומידע על תהליכים שקרו תוך כדי זמן החיים של המצב המעורר (פוטוכימיה, דיפוזיה, שיכוך, איזומריזציה, שינויי מבנה במקרומולקולות, מדידות FRET  ועוד).

מערכות המדידה במעבדה לפלואורסנציה דינמית רושמות את כל הפרמטרים הללו ולכן מגוון היישומים הוא עצום.

ד"ר דן עמיר עומד לרשות המעוניינים בייעוץ והדרכה לתכנון ניסויים וביצועם, החל מהכנת החומרים ועד לניתוח התוצאות ואילו את המדידות המורכבות וחישוב תוצאותיהן (זמני חיים, קינטיקה) מבצע ד"ר דן עמיר עבור המעוניינים כך שאינם צריכים להשקיע שנים של התמחות כדי להגיע לרמת ביצועים נדרשת, הידע ממתין להם במעבדה.

מבחר יישומים רשומים להלן:

  • אפיון מערכות על פי ספקטרום פליטה ובליעה ואנאליזה כמותית.
  • מדידות דינמיקה מולקולרית רוטציה בתחום ננו שניות על פי מדידות קיטוב, הבחנה בין סוגי רוטציה שונים על ידי מדידות דעיכה של אנאיזוטרופיה (חלבונים, ממברנות ביולוגיות, קשיחות ממברנות).
  • מדידות דעיכה של הפלואורסנציה (זמני חיים של המצב המעורר) מאפשרות: גילוי תת אוכלוסיות בתוך אנסמבל מולקולרי, מעקב אחר תהליכים מהירים בממדים מיקרוסקופיים, שינויי מבנה בביופולימרים,  שווי משקל של תת אוכלוסיות, קצב שינויי מבנה במקרומולקולות, דינמיקה של ממברנות ועוד.
  • מדידות FRET מובחנות זמנים (ברמת האנסמבל וברמת המולקולה הבודדת) מאפשרות חקר מבנים ומרחקים פנים מולקולריים ובין מולקולריים, קינטיקה של שינויי מבנה, קיפול, פרישה, אגרגאציה, דיפוזיה פנים ובין מולקולרית, קישור ליגנדים (שווי משקל וקינטיקה), מדידת התפלגויות מרחקים בממדי מולקולות והתפלגויות מבנים בתוך אנסמבל מסודר או לא מסודר.
  • מערכת הקינטיקה הכפולה מאפשרת מעקב אחר ריאקציות מהירות בתחום המילי שניה באמצעות מדידות זמני חיים בתחום הננו שניה. כך ניתן להפיק את כל המידע הצפון במדידות זמני חיים ומדידות FRET תוך כדי קיום תהליכים מולקולריים.

מדידות מולקולה בודדת במכשיר PicoQuant Macrotime200 מאפשרות מעקב אחר מולקולות בודדות תוך ניצול יתרונות הסטטיסטיקה של הפוטונים.

מדידות זמני חיים של מצבים מעוררים באמצעות מערכת המבוססת על לייזר מצב מוצק  Coherent Chameleon הכוללת בורר פולסים והכפלת ושילוש תדרים, כך שניתן למדוד כמעט בכל הספקטרום, מהUV  ועד האדום.

מערכות הקינטיקה המהירה כוללות התקן הפסק זרימה (BioLogic)

כל פניה לד"ר דן עמיר או לפרופ' אלישע האס תיענה.

Laboratory of Fluorescence dynamics (LFD)
מנהל היחידה ד'ר דן עמיר 972-3-5318870
דוא'ל [email protected]

Equipment/ Service Field Technology Core Facility Contact
Fluorescence lifetime measurements LFD unit Femto second laser based TCSPC (Far UV to IR) LFD unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Dan Amir
[email protected]
Fluorescence anisotropy decay measurements LFD unit Femto second laser based TCSPC (Far UV to IR) LFD unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Dan Amir
[email protected]
Fluorescence decay detected fast kinetic measurements based on stopped flow mixing LFD unit Coherent Chamelion laser system (fs, ps, ns) based TCSPC and stopped flow fast mixing LFD unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Dan Amir
[email protected]
Single molecule detection experiments LFD unit PicoQuant Microtime 200  system LFD unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Dan Amir
[email protected]
Fluorescence spectroscopy LFD unit Various spectrofluorometers LFD unit Bar Ilan Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced materials Dr. Dan Amir
[email protected]

BIRAD facilitates the establishment of scientific service contracts, in which members of the industrial community can take advantage of the Universitys outstanding knowledge base and technical infrastructure.  By sparing businesses the expense of acquiring certain specialized equipment, techniques, etc., BIRADs scientific service division provides cost-effective outsourced services to benefit the business sector.

Along with access to state-of-the-art facilities for life science, chemistry nanotechnology and other fields of research, service contracts provide clients with expert guidance on client-initiated studies from PhD-level technicians, who assist in experiment design and execution, as well as data analysis.

BIRADs scientific service division assists Industrial partners to find the right scientific service and contracts

For more Information:
Dr. Iris Haas
VP Business Development
[email protected]

BIRAD - Research and Development Co. Ltd